The seeds of Southwark For Jesus came together in the wake of Billy Graham’s last ‘Mission to London’ in 1989. Following the event, several leaders united to lead the ‘March For Jesus’ praise marches in Southwark. These events ran every year throughout the 90’s, uniting large numbers of believers in ‘mobile prayer’ for the borough. MFJ global stopped doing centrally organised marches in 2000, but still goes on in local expressions. The Southwark fellowship of leaders expanded and formed a steering group to connect several pastors networks across the borough. These networks unite around Southwark For Jesus’ vision of Unity in Prayer and Action.
Numerous borough-wide initiatives have been facilitated through SFJ partnerships, including many large scale mission initiatives and prayer celebrations. On the back of prayer, many social action projects have sprung up to serve the borough.
Over the years SFJ has initiated or hosted many expression of unity:
- SFJ facilitates large scale prayer initiatives such as; March For Jesus, Pentecost 2000, the Global Day of Prayer, Thy Kingdom Come, etc.
- SFJ networks regional church groupings across the borough
- SFJ promotes awareness of borough, London-wide and national mission initiatives such as Soul in the City, Hope Together, The Turning, The Send, and a host of other events.
- SFJ signposts churches to resources and provides support on key community or council initiatives and issues affecting churches.
- SFJ has on occasion been a vehicle for churches to address unjust legislation in the borough.
Why have such a network?
- To express and celebrate our Unity and diversity across a multiracial, multicultural London borough (cf: Eph 4 vs. 1-7)
- As a vehicle for the Church in Southwark to ‘keep watch and pray’, organising Prayer for our communities and bringing help where it is needed (cf: Nehemiah 4 vs. 9-20)
- To facilitate partnership and friendships in the goal of serving Southwark (a ‘bite size’ area of London) with good news and relevant Action together. (cf: Rom 12 vs 2)
- To resource one another and provide a regional forum for pastors and leaders wrestling with 21st century leadership, theology and mission.