Sitting on Camberwell Green I watched someone throw out their biscuit crumbs to the floor. Suddenly, there was a great flapping as pigeons from every corner of the Green swarmed on these crumbs. It reminded me that as we share good news it is appealing to people.
Sometimes, the little we give to people seems so much more significant because they are hungry. Yet, the good news we have is so much more than crumbs. Of course, such an image reminds us of the parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:1-23). V18 tells us the meaning of the birds snatching away what has been sown along the path relating it to those that have heard the message of the Kingdom but did not understand.
This time gives us so much opportunity to live out the fullness of God’s Kingdom in ways that can make sense to our communities. There is a deep openness to ponder on the questions of life and believe things that have previously been unthinkable. Even with physical distancing there are so many possibilities to share the heart of the gospel with our communities in physical, tangible and supernatural ways.
Yesterday, we visited every front door of our children’s club families. One little boy on the top floor of his flats looked up at the sky and asked about heaven. My colleague asked where he sees signs of heaven around him now and it led to an important realisation about how God is so interested in our lives.
Let’s take every opportunity to liberally scatter good news and be ready to give an answer for the hope that we have.
Catherine Smith 10.9.20