Every believer has the seed of a church, every church has the seeds of a movement. We believe that healthy churches don’t just grow, many of them will reproduce. We are committed to supporting and championing a multiplication culture in our churches across the borough.
Our Gospel Saturation 10 year vision is to see a living church of believers within regular easy access of every resident in the borough. In numerical terms that looks like 1 church per 1000 people. The current population of Southwark is 306,000. The current number of churches in the borough (that we are aware of) are around 200. This means that if just one in every two churches managed to reproduce, we will have achieved our vision.
Of course that is unlikely to be how it will happen but the vision is a tangible one. Churches and multiplication take many forms and this is part of our growing conversation.
We are constantly finding new kingdom initiatives in Southwark. If you are planning to plant or have planted a church recently do join the conversation and share your learnings with us. A rising tide lift all boats.
Meanwhile, here’s a heart-warming account of a recent church plant on a Southwark estate to build your faith.
A heart warming account of a recent church plant on the Walworth estate.