Southwark Police Items for Prayer
We would like to encourage and inspire more people to pray for the police regularly.
It would be really great if you could encourage churches and Christians across London to take part in prayer for the police. It is very powerful when people can get together and pray for the police – organise an evening of prayer for your church family or cell group; a half night of prayer, share an hour with a friend, or pray together for the whole hour… the possibilities are as endless as God’s inspiration!
Download the prayer guide and gather those who will pray for the police alongside you. We cannot stress how important it is that we pray for our police. We know that they keep our streets safe and uphold justice in our nation; that they are human and get tired and frustrated at times; that the pressures of their work can lead to health problems, depression, alcohol addiction, family breakdown, debt etc.; that dealing with all the crime and brokenness in our society can result in cynicism and hard-heartedness. We expect a lot of them! But do we know that they are at the forefront of a spiritual battle against the powers of darkness – the evils of violence, hatred, drugs, human trafficking, paedophilia, pornography and so much more. And many of them are fighting this battle without God, without knowing His compassion, grace and mercy. As well as partnering with God in the battle, they need us as their back-up! Please get serious about praying for them! You will be overwhelmed by the results!
In Southwark we have connected with borough commanders over the years and have often been called upon as churches to pray into situations facing the borough and for the health and protection of our local police force.